At its core, Photoshop for iPad is the same application.
So what makes it comparable to the desktop version at all? The key fact here is that this uses the same code as the desktop version. Those will come in time – to a point – but right now it doesn’t seem like Adobe is providing an alternative to desktop Photoshop. Version 1.0 of Photoshop for iOS lacks many features that are in the desktop version. What does it mean for Adobe to bring “full” desktop Photoshop to iPad? Well, it doesn’t mean that there is feature parity between the two versions. So we’ll look at it from the perspective we expect most users to have. If you aren’t already a Photoshop user, you aren’t really the target for this application. See why this is complicated? It’s an expensive app by itself, but essentially a free add-on if you’re already a Photoshop user. However, if you’re already subscribed to a Creative Cloud plan that includes the desktop version of Photoshop, you also already have this app. So off the bat, Photoshop for iPad is a hard sell as a standalone application on iOS. Early cancellation is possible, but if comes with penalty conditions. Which means you are on the hook for $120 per year, if you choose to play monthly. The cheapest version, which includes Photoshop and Lightroom, will run you $10 a month. The only way to get Photoshop is to subscribe to their Creative Cloud service.
That’s complicated when it comes to Photoshop for iPad, since Adobe has long ago abandoned the one-off software sale model. When we ask “is something worth it?” it often means “is it worth the money?”. Now it’s here and you might be wondering if it’s worth it to use this version of Photoshop for iPad. Which is why everyone in the photo-manipulation community has been waiting in great anticipation for the desktop version of Adobe Photoshop to arrive on iOS, ever since it was first announced at Adobe’s conference about a year prior. It’s not a “mobile” or “lite” approach to creating an application for tablets. You could 100% use it as your only video editor. For example, LumaFusion is an iOS app that provides the same functionality as desktop video editors.